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How volunteering helped Jenny find purpose and passion.

Jenny Dex is a passionate volunteer. It started when she took a career break to have her children and used some of the time while her kids were young to dedicate to a range of volunteer roles across a number of organisations.

“There’s something special about living your life in a way that helps people whenever you have the chance to do it. Especially when that involves giving help to people who are less fortunate, as I believe it is every person’s human right to be loved and cared for with dignity,” Jenny said.

It was through her association with St Mary’s in Exile in South Brisbane that Jenny learned of Micah Projects, and of the wide diversity of successful programs they were operating to help local people in need.

“People spoke very highly of Micah, and how they had many arms, helping a diverse range of community members. People said they had a broad range of volunteering opportunities, which was attractive to me.”

“After speaking to the team at Micah, the plan was for me to go and check out a range of their different programs to see which one inspired the most passion in me as a volunteer. The first Micah program they sent me to was Campbell’s Club. That was 8 years ago. I fell in love with them instantly and I never left.

Campbell’s Club is a weekly get together that supports individuals living in private level 3 hostels in Brisbane to connect with old friends, make new ones and have fun in a respectful, dignified environment.

“There’s something very special about Campbell’s Club, and having the opportunity to volunteer there. My desire is to make a real difference in someone else’s life and that helps give my own life added purpose,” Jenny said.

Micah Projects is one of the greatest organisations I’ve ever volunteered for. The staff members are amazing, including Jenny Wyeth who runs the Campbell’s Club program for Micah and is a true inspiration. In the eight years I’ve been volunteering I have always been made feel welcome and Jenny never fails to express her gratitude to me and the other valued volunteers for our services. 


Over her eight years volunteering at Campbell’s Club Jenny has performed a variety of volunteering roles including meeting and greeting, running activities like darts and karaoke and serving morning and afternoon teas. In recent years she has had the chance to put her talent for cutting hair to good use, alongside a qualified hairdresser and nail technician in the pop-up salon where they provide cuts, colours, barber shaves, nails and makeup for the Campbell's Club members.

“It is incredibly fulfilling to help make the Club members feel good about themselves. With something as simple as a kind word, a gentle touch and a haircut we can make them feel valued, which is something I feel is often missing in their daily lives. A little bit of sincere attention goes a long way.”

“When I finish a haircut and they look in the mirror and say ‘That’s fantastic’ I feel fabulous. Job achieved.”

“Being able to volunteer has given me everything. I give so little and get so much in return. As I’m driving home I often think ‘I’ve made a difference in someone’s life today. My life today had purpose.’ That’s why eight years later I’m still coming back each week, despite moving to the Coast two years ago.”

If you are serious about wanting to volunteer and make a difference, just pick up the phone and make that call. It can be a very rewarding experience."

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